
楽譜はこれjesujoy.pdf 直

% jesujoy.ly
\version "2.12.3"
\header {
   title = "主よ、人の望みの喜びよ"
   subtitle = "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
   composer = "Johann Sebastian Bach"
upper = \relative c'{
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 3/4
\set Score.markFormatter = #format-mark-box-letters
\mark \default
\times 2/3 { 
r8\p^\markup { \bold "Simple, and flowing" } 
e8*2/3[( g f] f-1[ a g]  | % 1
\override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
g-2 [ c b] c-5[ g-3 e-2] c-1[ d-2 e-3 ]| % 2
f-1)([ g a] g[ f e-3] d-2[ e-3 c-1] | % 3
b-2[ c d] r b-1[ d-3] f-5[ e d] | % 4
e-4)[ c-1( d] e[ g f] f-1[ a g] | % 5
g-2[ c b] c[ g e] c[ d e] | % 6
f )  ( [ g f] e[ d c] r c-1[ b-2] |% 7
c-1[ e-2 g-3] c-5[ g e]  c4) | %8
\mark \default
e2-2\mf  f4 | %9
g2-4 g4-5 | % 10
f2 e4-3 | % 11 
d4*2/3-2 r8*2/3 b-1([ d c] d[ f e]  | %  12
f[ d b] r b-1[ d] f[ e d] | % 13
\mark \default
e-4)[ c-1\p( d] e[ g f] f-1[ a g]  | % 14
g[ c b] c-5[ g-3 e-2] c-1[ d e]  | % 15 
f)([ g f] e[ d c] r c-1[ b-2]  | % 16
\mark \default
c-1)([ e-2 g-3] c-5[ g e] c[ e g] | % 17
bes-5[ g-3 e-2] c-1[ e-2 g-4] a-5[ f-4 d^2] | % 18
b-1[ d-2 f-4] g-5[ e-4 c-2] a-1[ c-2 e-4]  | % 19
f-5[ d-3 b-2] g-1[ b d] f-5[ e d]  | % 20
\mark \default
e-4)([ c-1 d] e[ g f] f-1[ a g] | % 21
g[ c b] c-5[ g-3 e-2] c-1[ d-2 e-3]  | % 22
f-1)([ g a] g[ f e-3] d-2[ e-3 c-1]  | % 23
b-2[ c d] r b-1[ d-2] f-5[ e d]  | % 24
e-4)([ c-1 d] e[ g f] f-1[ a g] | % 25
g[ c b] c[ g e] c[ d e]  | % 26
f[ g f] e[ d c] r c-1[ b-2]  | % 27
c2.)\fermata  | % 28
\bar "|."

lower = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 3/4
c4_5 c'_1 a_2  | % 1
e_5 a a | % 2
d,_5 e f  | % 3
g g g  | % 4
c,_5 a'_1 f_2   | % 5
e_3 a_1 g_2 | % 6
f_3 fis_2 g  | % 7
c,2._5 | % 8
c4_5 b'_1 a   | % 9
b a g   | % 10
a b c  | % 11
r8*2/3 g_4[ a_3] g4_4 g_3  | % 12
g4_2 g_1 g_2 | % 13 
c,_5 b'_1 a  | % 14
e_5 e a_2  | % 15
d,_5 g_1 g   | % 16
c,2._5  | % 17
c  | % 18
c  | % 19
c  | % 20
c4 c'_1 a_2 | % 21
e_5 a a  | % 22
d, e f | % 23
g g g  | % 24
c, a' f  | % 25 
e a g  | % 26
f fis g  | % 27
c,2.\fermata | % 28
pedal = {
s1*3/4*7 | % 1-7
s4\sustainOn s4 s8. s16\sustainOff | % 8
s4\sustainOn s4 s8. s16\sustainOff | % 13
s2.\sustainOn | % 17
s4 s4 s4\sustainOff | %18
s4\sustainOn s4 s4\sustainOff | % 19
s4\sustainOn s4 s4\sustainOff | % 20

\score {
    \new PianoStaff = "PianoStaff_pf" <<
      \new Staff = "upper"  \upper
      \new Staff = "lower"  \lower
      \new Dynamics = "pedal" \pedal

  \layout {
    % define Dynamics context
    \context {
      \type "Engraver_group"
      \name Dynamics
      \alias Voice
      \consists "Output_property_engraver"
      \consists "Piano_pedal_engraver"
      \consists "Script_engraver"
      \consists "New_dynamic_engraver"
      \consists "Dynamic_align_engraver"
      \consists "Text_engraver"
      \consists "Skip_event_swallow_translator"
      \consists "Axis_group_engraver"
      pedalSustainStrings = #'("Ped." "*Ped." "*")
      pedalUnaCordaStrings = #'("una corda" "" "tre corde")
      \override DynamicLineSpanner #'Y-offset = #0
      \override TextScript #'font-size = #2
      \override TextScript #'font-shape = #'italic
      \override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-1 . 1)
    % modify PianoStaff context to accept Dynamics context
    \context {
      \accepts Dynamics

   \midi {}