Heart and Soul(リピートありバージョン)

iPad miniの宣伝はかっこいいのですが、あっと言う間に終わってしまいます。本来は繰り返しで延々と弾ける曲だと思うので、繰り返しのあるバージョンを作ってみました。

heartandsoul04.midi 直
heartandsoul04.pdf 直

\version "2.16.0"

\header {
  title = "Heart and Soul"
  composer = "Hoagy Carmichael"

swingmark = \mark \markup {
  \score {       
            \new Staff \with {
              fontSize = #-2
              \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #0
              firstClef = ##f
              \override Staff.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f
              \stemUp {b'8[b'] }
              \once \override Score.TextScript #'Y-offset = #-0.4
              s4.^\markup{ \halign #-1 \italic "=" }
              \stemUp {\times2/3{b'4 b'8}} 
            \layout {} 

global = {
  \key c \major
  \time 4/4
  \tempo 4=100

right = \relative c'' {
  % Music follows here.
  R1 R R R\break
  \repeat volta 2{
  c4 c c2 |%5
  \times2/3{r4c8}\times2/3{b4a8}\times2/3{b4c8}d4 |%6
  e e e2 |%7
  \times2/3{r4e8}\times2/3{d4c8}\times2/3{d4e8}\times2/3{f4r8} |%8
  g2 c,2 |%9
  \times2/3{r4a'8}\times2/3{g4f8}\times2/3{e4r8}\times2/3{d4r8} |%10
  \alternative {{
    f4\times2/3{r4g8}a4\times2/3{r4b8} |%
  \times2/3{f4g8} \times2/3{f4e8}\times2/3{d4r8}\times2/3{g4r8}
  \times2/3{c,4r8} <c, e>4
  \bar "|."

left = \relative c {
  % Music follows here.

  \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \override TupletNumber #'stencil = ##f
  \override TupletBracket #'bracket-visibility = ##f
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8} 
  \times2/3{c4c8 e4e8 a,4a8 c4c8 d4d8 f4f8 g,4g8 b4b8}  
  \times2/3{c'4r8}<c, g'>4

\score {
  \new PianoStaff \with {
    instrumentName = "Piano"
  } <<
    \new Staff = "right" \with {
      midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    } \right
    \new Staff = "left" \with {
      midiInstrument = "acoustic grand"
    } { \clef bass \left }
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

cf. iPad mini コマーシャル、 三連符