
ライフハックが流行りですが、頭をどう使うかというタイプのマインドハック(Mind Hacks)とか記憶法などを集めたMind Performance Hacksとかの本があります。Mind Performance Hacksに数字の記憶法がいくつか載っていて、その中にドミニク法というのがありました。ドミニクさんは数字の羅列を簡単に記憶できて、トランプの束は1分で覚えるそうです。その方法は数字にアルファベットが当たっていて、2桁ずつで人名の頭文字など、それを二つ続けて4桁ずつ覚えていくもの。

さて、本では著作権もあってそれぞれになにをあてはめるかがちゃんと書いてないのですが、ネットを調べる(dominic systemで検索)といろんな例が載っていないことはない。ところがただでさえカタカナの名前は覚えにくいのに、頭文字だけで連想するのはいくら眺めていても覚えられません。そこで次のようなデータファイル(dominic.txt)と練習用のプログラム(dominic.rb)を書きました。


00 = OO = Oh Oh, knocking something over ("Oh Oh!")
01 = OA = Quaker Oats guy, offering bowl of oatmeal (OAts)
02 = OB = Orland Bloom, a piarate in caribbean
03 = OC = Trinity, meaning 3
04 = OD = CSI, cause of death is overdose(OD)
05 = OE = Demi Moore, demi meaning0.5
06 = OS = Operating System, Linux and Windows
07 = OG = Olympic Games, in Beijing 2008
08 = OH = Meg Ryan in _When Harry Met Sally_, faking orgasm (OH!)
09 = ON = Olivia Newton John, singing in tights
      • -
10 = AO = Dudley Moore, from movie "10" or "Ten" 11 = AA = "Bill" (founder of Alcoholics Anonymous), faceless and swilling booze 12 = AB = Abba (pop group), lip-syncing and dancing (to "Dancing Queen") 13 = AC = Agatha Christie, a mysterious woman 14 = AD = Jesus, being crucified (Anno Domini) 15 = AE = Albert Einstein, writing on a blackboard 16 = AS = Arnold Schwarzenegger, Californian mayor 17 = AG = Art Garfunkel, singing his heart out with head thrown back ("Bridge Over Troubled Water") 18 = AH = Adolf Hitler, sieg-heiling 19 = AN = Anime Japan, japanese cool art
      • -
20 = BO = Buddha, sitting cross-legged under the Bo tree 21 = BA = Bill Atkinson (Macintosh developer), breaking into pixels 22 = BB = Bridgitte Bardot, a french sex simbol once 23 = BC = Thor (_B.C._), riding stone unicycle 24 = BD = BD (_Doonesbury_), crawling through jungle wearing football helmet in a war comic 25 = BE = Jean-Paul Sartre, smoking cigarette and drinking coffee (_BEing and Nothingness_) 26 = BS = Bart Simpson (_The Simpsons_), riding a skateboard 27 = BG = Bill Gates, counting money and chuckling evilly 28 = BH = Bob Hope, a comedian 29 = BN = Ben Franklin, flying a kite (BeN)
      • -
30 = CO = Cowardly Lion (Bert Lahr in _The Wizard of Oz_), bashfully fidgeting with his tail (COwardly) 31 = CA = Captain America, wearing Americal flag 32 = CB = Charlie Brown, missing the football 33 = CC = Charlie Chaplin, twirling his cane and waddling 34 = CD = Cameron Diaz, doing Softbank commercial 35 = CE = Clint Eastwood, in western movies 36 = CS = CS Lewis (portrayed by Anthony Hopkins in _Shadowlands_), stepping into the Wardrobe 37 = CG = Buzz Lightyear from _Toy Story_, blasting off with a jetpack (CGI = Computer-Generated Imagery) 38 = CH = China, what will become of the country 39 = CN = Chuck Norris, in karate wear
      • -
40 = DO = Fred Flintstone, breaking rocks in the quarry (Yabba dabba DOo!) 41 = DA = Douglas Adams, putting a Babelfish into his ear (_The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy_) 42 = DB = Database, mysql or sqlite or oracle? 43 = DC = George Washington, chopping down cherry tree (Washington DC) 44 = DD = Donald Duck, quacking 45 = DE = Deuchland, a SAP country 46 = DS = Nintendo DS, a mobile game playing machine 47 = DG = Delta Gamma, an women's society 48 = DH = Douglas Hofstadter, recursively holding a picture of himself 49 = DN = Dan Hibiki of Street Fighter, fighting
      • -
50 = EO = Eeyore, in Winnie the Poo 51 = EA = each, each 52 = EB = E-flat, a music note 53 = EC = Elvis Costello, looking into a bar mirror ("Beyond Belief") 54 = ED = ed, an text editor 55 = EE = Reepicheep (human-sized mouse from _Chronicles of Narnia_, wearing a cloak), brandishing a rapier (rEEpichEEp) 56 = ES = Embryonic Stem Cell, all powerful gene 57 = EG = Earl Grey, an English tea 58 = EH = Ed Harris, sinking in Abyss 59 = EN = Ender (_Ender's Game_, small boy in military uniform), playing a videogame
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60 = SO = Emperor Hirohito, knodding so-so 61 = SA = Samuel Adams, drinking beer 62 = SB = Samuel Beckett, sleeping on a coach 63 = SC = Sean Connery, in 007 a bit bald 64 = SD = Scooby Doo, a coward dog 65 = SE = Systems Engineer, a nightmare 66 = SS = Samantha Stevens (_Bewitched_), wiggling her nose 67 = SG = Sam Gamgee (_The Lord of the Rings_), planting a tree 68 = SH = Saddam Hussein, reading Dostoevsky 69 = SN = Sixty-Nine, doing 69
      • -
70 = GO = God (bearded sky-god), throwing thunderbolt 71 = GA = Ray Charles, playing piano and singing ("GeorgiA") 72 = GB = George W. Bush, smirking horribly 73 = GC = Graham Chapman, throwing open windows and exposing himself (scene from _The Life of Brian_) 74 = GD = Gandhi, spinning on a wheel 75 = GE = General Electric (a robot in uniform), saluting 76 = GS = Smeagol-Gollum (_The Lord of the Rings_), falling into lava with the One Ring 77 = GG = Gandalf the Grey (_The Lord of the Rings_), barring the way with his staff 78 = GH = George Harrison, tapping his foot and playing guitar 79 = GN = Ignatius Loyola, flogging himself (iGNatius)
      • -
80 = HO = Santa Claus, laughing until his belly shakes (HO HO HO!) 81 = HA = Hamasaki Ayumi, singing in a swing 82 = HB = Halle Barry, in cat woman dress 83 = HC = Hannibal the Cannibal, eating flesh 84 = HD = Humbty Dumpty, sitting on a wall 85 = HE = Isaac Newton (long white wig), releasing helium balloons (Newtonmas, HE HE HE!) 86 = HS = Homer Simpson (_The Simpsons_), gobbling donuts 87 = HG = Heather Graham, in nude in "Killing Me Softly" 88 = HH = Hermann Hesse (author of _The Glass Bead Game_), telling beads 89 = HN = Han Solo (_Star Wars_), firing blaster
      • -
90 = NO = Shintaro Ishihara, saying no 91 = NA = Neil Armstrong, stepping onto Moon 92 = NB = NoBody, nobody in New Balance 93 = NC = Nat King Cole, singer and father of Nathalie Cole 94 = ND = Neil Diamond, singing Sweet Caroline 95 = NE = ne?, it's me 96 = NS = Nazism, also known as "National Socialism" in Germany, the ideology held by the National Socialist German Workers Party 97 = NG = No Good, no good 98 = NH = Nathaniel Hawthorn, The Scarlet Letter 99 = NN = Nick Nolte, falling into pool (scene from _Down and Out in Beverly Hills_)


# idea is to present randomly dominic abbreviation and enter will go forward
# 66 = SS
# Samantha Stevens (_Bewitched_), wiggling her nose
# 73 = GC
# throwing open windows and exposing himself (scene from _The Life of Brian_)
# Ctrl-C will end
dominic_dictionary = 
File.open("dominic.txt"){ |f|
while line = f.gets
item = 
if line =~ /=/
item = line.split("=")

loop do
item = dominic_dictionary[rand(dominic_dictionary.length)]
puts("#{item[0]} = #{item[1]} > ")