


平均というときのイメージはたとえばあるガシャポンのセットを全部そろえた人が100人いて、それぞれに何回目で揃いましたか? と聞いてその合計を100で割る、というイメージだと思う。種類をv(variation)、mをそろえたい数、と置き、たとえばv=6ならば["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]からランダムに一つずつとっていき、数列にためていって、m=1ならば["a"]がでたらその時点までの数を数える。サンプル人数をn人とおくならばn人について同様のことをやって、かかった回数の合計をnで割れば平均。このやりかたでやると、なんと! 端数はつきますが6種類から1種類を得るための平均は6回前後。6種類全部揃えるための平均は14.7くらい。15は超えません。


#when thiking average we usually think of people who achieved the goal and how many times
#they tried to get that goal.  There can be a logical way of thinking but up to now I have not yet 

succeeded in thinking it out.
# This time I use random sample to get that average.  If we take a big number as sample, 
# maybe I can get the whole picture and it will be helpful in future thinking.

v = 6 # v is variation of the gashapon
n = 10 # n is number of people who succeeded in fullcompletion of the variation
m = 1 # m is number of the goal items that you want to collect.  This is different from the goal set 

number which we used in calculating the probability because at that time only the number is 

meaningful.  This time the set itself is important.  I mean ["a", "b"] is different from ["b", "c"].
t = 0 # t is number of trials or throws in order to get that result. For the case of variation of 2, we know 

that 2 times is 0.50 probability and 6 times is enough for 0.95 probability.  I do not yet know if this 

observation is helpful or not in solving this average problem.

def variation(v)
  ary = %w(a b c d e f g h i j k)
  return ary[0..(v- 1)]

def throw(m, v)
  var_ary = variation(v)
  var_len = var_ary.length
  target_ary = variation(m)
  throw_ary = 
  throw_ary << var_ary[rand(var_len)]
  while target_ary - throw_ary != 
    throw_ary << var_ary[rand(var_len)]
  return throw_ary.length

# first I want to know the average of the number of throws for getting 1 target out of 6 variations.
v = 6
m = 6
n = 1000
sum = 0
n.times do |i|
 temp = throw(m, v)
 puts temp
 sum = sum + temp
printf "The average of getting #{m} target out of #{v} variations in #{n} sample is : #{sum / n.to_f}\n"